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Can Green Plants Absorb Formaldehyde?

Have already visited: 115208/21/2018  

Nowadays, we often get to know some rumors quickly, and when we face these rumors, we don't know the true and false! Today, let everyone come together to see a topic that is closely related to our lives.

In the past two years, formaldehyde has become a problem of home decoration for many families. Not only because it is very harmful, but also because it is hard to prevent. Therefore,  some people choose to use green plants to remove formaldehyde after the  house has been renovated. On the Internet, it is often said that “the green plants can really absorb formaldehyde, but is that true? Let us follow the footsteps of science and figure it out.

Earlier, the CCTV financial channel "Is it true?" column has made detailed reports, take everyone to see it today. At  that time, the reporter went to the Environmental Technology Research  Center of Shanghai Academy of Building Research for experimental  verification. In this experiment, the highest  ranking of the formaldehyde-absorbing plants on the Internet, the spider  orchid, the tiger-tail orchid, the aloe vera, the ivy, and the green  radish, were selected to test their formaldehyde removal rate.

It turns out it is fake that the spider plant is the best killer of formaldehyde.

It is  seen from the experiment: the purification rate of ivy is as high as 9%  per cubic meter. Is it enough to put it in the house?

Li Jingguang, Senior Engineer, Environmental Technology Research Center, Shanghai Academy of Building Research, said,

"If  you only look at this 9% seems to be effective, in fact, considering  its load problem, the so-called load is this experiment, there is a pot  of plants in a cubic meter of space. Subject to this condition, in fact,  plant application, the real removal of formaldehyde, the effect Very  limited. You think if there is a pot of plants in a cubic meter, 20  square meters of house, according to the height of three meters, is 60  cubic meters. There are 60 pots of plants inside 60 cubic meters, first,  how to put it? Second, you put The third? Even if  it is put down, it will only have a effect of 7% or 8%. Even if the  test error is not considered, the effect of removing formaldehyde in  plants is particularly limited."

Through expert explanations, we learned that all plants have little effect on formaldehyde removal. So, what method can you use to better remove formaldehyde?

The first source control. If the source is stuck, the latter things are all resolved.

What if the source is not stuck? The effective solution at this time is the second ventilation dilution. Diluting the ventilation is equivalent to using the clean air outside to pull the formaldehyde concentration down.

What if some places are not suitable for ventilation? Take purification control.

So, in  order to better reduce the concentration of formaldehyde in the home  environment, what should we pay attention to during the renovation  process? Experts said: "The first is to control  the amount of decoration materials. (Everything is a process of  quantitative change to qualitative change) For example, the application  of a large number of plates, because the amount of decoration is too  much, the amount of emission is much, the home is likely to produce  higher The concentration of formaldehyde (instead  of saying that a higher concentration of formaldehyde will be produced  because of the second point). The second is the quality control of the  decoration materials, for example, we choose some materials with a  particularly low emission rate, so that we can control the entire  formaldehyde. Produce concentration."

MUCHSEE had always been working hard on minimize formaldehyde during from raw material to finished products. We are pride to have all of our products (engineered, laminate, vinyl, cabinet, build-in closet)

applied with environmental protection standards and we will keep going on to make better.

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