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Make Sure Your Flooring Always at Their Best

Have already visited: 104305/16/2018  

Engineered wooden floors are designed to be hard wearing and look fantastic at the same time. They are relatively easy to maintain, but you should make sure you are familiar with how to keep your floor looking at its best before you install it.

To help the floors retain their good looks we use one of the strongest floor lacquers on the market. This helps to reduce the risk of micro scratches – the tiny, irritating scratches that can appear in the lacquer surface when, for example, furniture with worn protective pads is dragged across the floor and makes the surface easy to care for because stains have difficulty adhering.

On top of this, the unique Maccess 3G joints produce tight, barely visible joints, which are also an advantage in cleaning the floor. The elasticity of the Maccess 3G surface treatment is designed to follow the wood's natural movements between summer and winter, whether the boards are lacquered or oiled. All of this means that a Maccess floor is very easy to maintain with a few simple guidelines.

Maintenance of lacquered wooden floors

1) Floors should be cleaned daily using dry methods such as vacuuming or using a micro mop.

2) Every week your floor should be cleaned using a specialist wooden floor cleaner. The key is to only damp-clean the floor as necessary using a well wrung out mop or floor cloth and only dampen the floor slightly.

3) The film of water left by the cloth must dry within a minute and you mustn’t allow spilt water to remain. This is particularly important on woods that are sensitive to water such as beech or hard maple.

4) If your floor develops stains they should be removed very carefully and as quickly as possible. Depending on the stain it will require a different stain remover.

5) Shoe polish, rubber, grease or chocolate should be removed with surgical spirit, petroleum ether or something similar; blood with just cold water, substances such as crayon, lipstick or felt tip with surgical spirit and candle wax and chewing gum should be freeze-sprayed or put a plastic bag of ice cubes on the mark and scraped off carefully.

Maintenance of oiled wooden floors

1) The maintenance guidance is the same as above for oiled floors, however, straight after installation oiled floors benefit from a supplementary surface treatment with Maccess Satin Oil. The main reason for this is to prevent water penetrating the joints between boards through capillary action.

2) This treatment should also be repeated on a fairly regular basis as required.

After some years your floors may also need to be re-lacquered or re-oiled, and possibly some minor repairs done due to normal house hold wear and tear. The Maccess maintenance guide also covers the methods for doing this.

Follow these simple guidelines and your floors will give you many years of pleasure. However if in any doubt about how to care for your floor or removing particular stains please do give us a call as we are more than happy to help.

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